Veterinary Radiology

Veterinary radiology – radiographs and ultrasounds – help diagnose and treat many diseases in animals.  They help plan further diagnostic plans, such as whether to take a biopsy and how best to take the sample.  They help detect diseases early, before your pet may shows signs.  We see effective early detection of bladder stones, disc […]

Rapid ELISA Tests

Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay tests, commonly referred to as ELISA snap tests are available at Martensville Veterinary Hospital.  These tests can detect many disease with just 3 drops of blood and give results in 20 minutes.  The tests have great sensitivity – catching most of the disease-positive pets. They also have good specificity – there […]

Veterinary Fecal Flotation

Fecal flotation is one of the many in house laboratory tests offered at Martensville Veterinary Hospital. This test is used to determine if your pet has intestinal worms.  Many worms in the intestine shed eggs and these eggs are passed into the stool. Each type of worm sheds a characteristic size and shape of egg. […]

Veterinary Urinalysis

Problems within the urinary system, including the kidneys, are common in cats and dogs. The laboratory at Martensville Veterinary Hospital is fully equipped to perform in house urinalysis.  Analysis of the urine can identify kidney and liver disease, urinary tract infections, diabetes and even some cancers. Results can be obtained quickly, and a course of […]

Cytology – Lump Analysis

Cytology is the process of looking at and identifying cell types.  Wondering about a lump on your pet? Not sure if it’s something to be concerned about? Veterinary cytology can put your mind at ease. The veterinarians at Martensville Veterinary Hospital will examine your pet, and decide if the lump is concerning.  If further information […]

Veterinary Bloodwork

Bloodwork gives us rapid and accurate information about your pet.  The in-clinic laboratory at Martensville Veterinary Hospital can provide fast diagnostic answers for your pet.  Our in house veterinary lab can test for liver, heart, kidney, thyroid and intestinal diseases. As well, this information can assist our veterinarians to diagnose medical problems such as: diabetes, […]