I Missed You Today, And I Cried

  I missed you today, and I cried. I knew that our time was coming to an end and I wasn’t ready; I was sure that you weren’t ready either. I cried for both of us. Illness has a way of sneaking up on us, and yours was a ninja. It was completely silent, neither […]

The Vet Clinic Pocketknife Equivalent

You know that super cool pocketknife that does everything? “Oh, you have a bottle to open?” Pulls out super cool pocketknife, “Let me get that for you!”. “Ouch! Broken nails suck! I have a nail file, want to use it?” Out comes the pocketknife! Imagine if that super cool pocketknife that ‘can do everything’ existed […]

Cats and dogs and plants, oh my!

I have a serious love for animals. I mean, I should, right? I work in veterinary medicine. Another of my loves is houseplants. I have 2 dogs, a cat, and around 15 different houseplants, and they don’t always play nice with each other. I’m fairly lucky that my dogs ignore my indoor collection (barely a […]

Dental procedures – What are the questions that matter?

It’s February, which means it’s time for dental month. Vet clinics everywhere will be promoting dental health as it relates to the pets that they see; this is no different for us at Martensville Veterinary Hospital (if you don’t already follow us on Facebook or Instagram, here is the shameless plug suggesting you do so). […]

We’re Struggling. How Are You?

Anyone who’s been to a veterinary clinic in the last couple months knows that things are different. You walk up to a door to find that it is locked. Maybe there is a sign saying “Call us at 867-5309! We are not having clients come into the building at this time.” Or maybe the sign […]

Put a Leash on That Dog! Retractable Doesn’t Count!

COVID-19 has forced many people to change their daily routines, whether they no longer have jobs or are self-isolating, these people suddenly have more time on their hands. The changes were obvious within the first couple of weeks. With the weather being warmer than it had been, people took to the streets, lots of people. […]

How to Build Cat Bunk Beds Out of Crates

Many people are finding themselves with extra time on their hands. You know what they say about idle hands, so lets keep them busy! A few years ago we had cat bunk beds as one of the raffle prizes at our Microchip Day. The bunk beds were made in my garage and it was a […]

Pregnant with Cats

Well that title is open to some interesting interpretations! No, I don’t mean pregnant with a litter of cats. I mean pregnant with a human child. You are probably wondering, “Why is my vet clinic blogging about human pregnancy?!” I was recently pregnant and I became aware of some misinformation that is commonly given to […]